Weekly Photos - watch me grow!

 In honor of my friend Katie, we've decided to take pictures of Brian every week for his first year.  Here's where you can find all of those pictures in one place.  Now that our little Bear has reached his first year, look back over all of his pictures and see how much he's changed over the last 52 weeks!

 Week 52 (taken 10/4/10) - Our little bear in his rocking chair on his first birthday! 
See week 52 pictures

Week 51 (taken 9/25/11) - Here's the book, Mama.  Take it quick, it's heavy!
See week 51 pictures

Week 50 (taken 9/12/11) - looking cute in his hat!
See week 50 pictures

Week 49 (taken 9/9/11) - this can of Chili from Gram's camping supplies was very entertaining!
See week 49 pictures

Week 48 (taken 9/4/11) - playing with Lucy the lamb.
See week 48 pictures

Week 47 (taken 8/27/11) - climbing up the skate ramp at the local park!  He made it almost vertical by himself!
See week 47 pictures part 1 and part 2

 Week 46 (taken 8/17/11) - Playing.  About the only picture of Brian by himself since we were having such a wonderful visit with my sister and her kids.
See week 46 pictures

Week 45 (taken 8/14/11) - Playing in his room.
See week 45 pictures

Week 44 (taken 8/3/11) - at the playground.
See week 44 pictures

Week 43 (taken 7/31/11) - playing with the rocks at the playground
See week 43 pictures

Week 42 (taken 7/19/11) - with the Kimmy bear, given to us by my mentee Kimberly Tran.
See week 42 pictures

Week 41 (taken 7/16/11) - chillin' in the shopping cart.  This is what happens if you don't seatbelt him in.  At least until he gets himself turned all the way around!
See week 41 pictures part 1 and part 2

Week 40 (taken 7/9/11) - at Cory's white coat ceremony.  My two boys!
See week 40 pictures

Week 39 (taken 7/2/11) - the first leg of the trip to El Paso.  Brian was so tuckered out after the rough morning at the house with no power that he crashed before I made it to the end of the street!
See week 39 pictures

Week 38 (taken 6/24/11) - playing in a warm rain.  Brian was fascinated with the rain, and played happily in the driveway for about 10 minutes with the rain soaking him.  Boys will be boys!

Week 37 (taken 6/18/11) - sitting with Daddy - isn't it cute that they match.  Can you imagine that I had anything to do with that?  :)

Week 36 (taken 6/12/11) - the shirt reads "I don't bite, but he does" which is appropriate when you see that mouthful of teeth!
See week 36 pictures

Week 35 (taken 6/4/11) - closeup of our wonderful baby boy!
See week 35 pictures

Week 34 (taken 5/27/11) - at the El Paso zoo during our house-hunting trip.  I love this pose!
See week 34 pictures

Week 33 (taken 5/20/11) - on PupPup, a favorite toy of Cory's from when he was Brian's age.
See week 33 pictures

Week 32 (taken roughly 5/13/11) - our little professional mess maker at Gram's house.
See week 32 pictures

 Week 31 (taken 5/8/11) - Action shot!
See week 31 pictures

Week 30 (taken 5/2/11) - Hanging out before bedtime.  Love the baby blues!
See week 30 pictures

Week 29 (taken 4/24/11) - Easter Sunday!
See week 29 pictures

Week 28 (taken 4/17/11) - We just got in from playing on the steps in the pool - just chillin' in his easy chair!
See week 28 pictures

Week 27 (taken 4/10/11) - with Aunt Julie (Kelly's sister)  This is the first time she's gotten to meet Brian.
See week 27 pictures part 1 and part 2

Week 26 (taken 4/4/11) - this is actually his "6 month" picture, of the three of us.  Can you believe he's 6 months old already?  I can't!
See week 26 pictures

Week 25 (taken 3/25) - looks like he took this picture of himself with the camera in his outstretched arm
See week 25 pictures

Week 24 (taken 3/20) - showing off his sitting up skills and his two teeth
See week 24 pictures

Week 23 (taken 3/13) - out walking with Grandma Amy. 
A guy in her neighborhood commented that Brian has "got it goin' on!"
See week 23 pictures

Week 22 (taken 3/6) - ready for Spring
See week 22 pictures

Week 21 (taken 2/27) - sitting up on his own!
See week 21 pictures

Week 20 (taken 2/20)
 See week 20 pictures

Week 19 (taken 2/11)
See week 19 pictures

Week 18 (taken 2/4) - "Well, you see..."
See week 18 pictures

Week 17 (taken  1/27 in San Francisco) - always in motion!
See week 17 pictures

Week 16 (taken 1/22) - Isn't he a hoot?
See week 16 pictures

Week 15 (taken 1/15)
See week 15 pictures

Week 14 (taken 1/3) - having a blast!
See week 14 pictures

Week 13 (taken 12/27) - early in the week, but such a good picture of our happy boy!
See week 13 pictures

Week 12 (taken 12/25) - Merry Christmas from my new recliner - Grandma's legs.  :)
See week 12 pictures

Week 11 (taken 12/19) - hi folks!  Thanks for checking my blog ...
See week 11 pictures

Week 10 (taken 12/12) - glad to be home!
See week 10 pictures

Week 9 (taken 12/3) - Mr. Personality!
See week 9 pictures

Week 8 (taken 11/28) - me and my little Zag
See week 8 pictures (and first thanksgiving pictures)

Week 7 (taken 11/22) - Definitely worth the wait! 
And what a birthday present to have him in my life now!

Week 6 (taken 11/14)
See week 6 pictures

Week 5 (taken 11/7)
See week 5 pictures

One Month Old! Family picture taken 11/4

Week 4 (taken 10/31) - Happy Halloween!
Space, the final frontier ...
See week 4 pictures

Week 3 (taken 10/24) - Deep in thought!
See week 3 pictures

Week 2 (taken 10/17) - VROOM!
See week 2 pictures

Week 1 (taken 10/10)
See week 1 pictures

Newborn - only minutes old here (and making his presence known). 
His hand is so small holding on to my finger! (taken 10/4)
See pictures from the hospital