Saturday, October 22, 2011

Week 52

This was a big week in the life of our little 'Mussen.  He turned one this week, and he started walking on his own!  He decided that the day before his birthday was a good day to walk.  And once he started, he hasn't stopped!  He's really getting pretty good at it.  Here are some fun pictures from this last week of his first year.

Gram and Papa Chuck took us to a great Mexican restaurant and then down to a spot where the Rio Grande is just a trickle. Here he is playing in the back of Papa Chuck's truck.

 And playing in the sand.

 Brian decided he wanted to find a new way into the rhino at the playground.  He climbed up from the foot hole, all the way up onto the seat! 

 One night after his bath, he wanted to sit in the sink.  He played with the faucet for about 5 minutes (before he figured out how to turn it on ...)  There are a lot of these, but I think they're fun to look at.  It's fun to be able to see his expression in the mirror!


 Lounging at the restaurant after breakfast.  He doesn't hardly sit upright in the highchairs anymore!

Brian is fascinated by our computers.  He now has his own mouse to play with (which keeps him away from mine at least some of the time!)

I was sitting on the patio, and Brian kept closing the door and then opening it again.  He was using the door stop spring as a handle.  And the looks he was giving me through the glass were priceless!

 A conversation with Gram.  "Let me explain how the fan works."

"Really?  Mama thought the raccoon was a squirrel?"

Proof that little kid fingers fit through the protective cover on fans!  And that Brian has so many cute faces that I just can't come up with descriptions for!

An attempt at a picture of his birthday shirt.  Only the shirt is even close to being in focus!

Happy First Birthday, Brian!

Sitting in his rocking chair from Aunt Julie, watching his "Meet the Colors" video very intently

 Helping Papa Chuck hang the fan in his bedroom! 

 Don't worry Papa Chuck, I won't let you fall!

 An official member of the Weirdo Club!  We love you, Aunt Barb!!

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