Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Catching up - week 34

Before I get around to the last few weeks of his first year, I wanted to go back and share a few weeks from before we moved to El Paso.  I never finished the photo sets for weeks 34 and 35 ... until now.  Here they are!  A blast from the past.

Week 34 was the week in May when we came to El Paso looking for housing and checking out the area for real.  We also stopped in Odessa on our way home (or was it the way out ... I can't remember now).

Brian in his "cage" - the hotel crib we borrowed in San Antonio.

In the car, Brian had his own Star Trek setup.  Pretty cool!

 Here he is chewing on an egg separator he "stole" from Granny B.  Turns out this is a cool bath toy!

Some pictures with Grammy in Odessa.

With Cory's cousin, Trey.

 In El Paso we went to the zoo.  He really noticed the meerkats and the sea lions.

It was really hot, so I was doing what I could to keep the sun off his head!

Brian loves to "drive" the cars ...

A few with Brian sleeping with his Daddy.  Cory was awake, I believe, but didn't want his picture taken so he was pretending to sleep.  Cute pictures anyways. :)

 We had a dinner party with Cory's professors and other incoming students, so Gram and Papa Chuck watched Brian for us.  He fell asleep with his foot on her shoulder!

 Like my shades?

 Ah, grass!  This was the first time he got to sit in it, since in Lake Jackson there are too many bugs and it's too darned humid to be outside.  He loved the grass!

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