Saturday, October 22, 2011

week 50

This was the week!  The week Brian finally started sleeping through the night.  By the end of this week he was doing a full 12 hours.  It took about 2 weeks for it to be a real pattern, but as of 9/10/11 he slept through the night.  At over 11 months old.  He certainly made me work for it this first year ... but he is worth it!

Here are a few pictures.  Just a few, because apparently I forgot about taking pictures this week.  I guess I was too busy sleeping!  :)

Hanging with Mama - isn't he cute in his hat!  He won't wear it very often, or for very long, but we keep trying!

Playing in Gram and Papa Chuck's storage unit.  Wow, was he filthy after crawling around in there - but oh it was fun.  :)

Some very cool clouds rolling down over the mountains.  They crept in almost like fog.  I got pictures of the clouds.  I just didn't get pictures of my son! 

Playing quietly by himself ...

On the patio - trying to commandeer a rock from under the patio wall!

Riding on Papa Chuck's shoulders.

Brian's first live jazz.  At an outdoor concert with Mama, Gram, and Papa Chuck.  He loved it!

He has definitely gotten the hang of feeding himself (and making a mess!)

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