Saturday, October 22, 2011

Week 51

I don't have any witty stories to start out this week, so on to the pictures!

Playing at the playground with Gram

 Brian in Gram's rocking chair.  About the right size.  For comparison, here's another picture of him in the rocking chair - from week 27 (from back in April!)  Such a difference.

For all of you that think Brian is always happy, here's the proof that he has his moments.  This is him wanting something (me to hold him, I think) and trying to get it with as many different facial expressions as possible ...

Throwing a fit


Looking pitiful (and cute)


Asking nicely (this is where I picked him up)

Brian was sick some this week.  Here we are enjoying a lazy day in jammies ... 

 On the way to the playground with Mama

Playing at the playground ... on the sidewalk?

I tried to spike his hair up, but it's gotten so long it wouldn't stay.  Instead we got a cute curl (and some pictures he'll hate me for someday!)

 Reading with Papa Chuck - that's not my dinosaur!  This has been his favorite book for quite some time

With Gram

With Daddy

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