Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Catching up - week 35

This week was back in Lake Jackson.  We were all starting to pack up, so things were a little crazy.

Sleeping boy ...

He thought this was a game.  I thought it was a way to corral him while I got things done.  Win-Win!

Random smile

Sitting on the counter with daddy, working the heck out of a toy I made him from stuff at work. 

Mmm, carrots.

These were taken on his 8 month birthday (June 4th) - trying to get a good picture.  He made lots of cute faces so I kept them all!

Playing with the door stop.  It makes a wonderful noise when you pull it back and let it go!  You can just see his mind working in that last one...

Drinking out of a big glass with Papa Chuck - he's brave!

In his new camping chair - RAWR!

Cute pictures with Mama ...

Hanging out with Uncle Scott (Cory's brother)

Sitting on the table with Big John and Peggy.  He's probably trying to talk Big John into another forklift ride!

Cory with his Fritzy pup. 

Hanging out in the pool at Gram's.  Well, it wasn't full of water yet, but you get the idea!  :)
This is one of my favorite pictures of Brian.

Super Baby! 

Another random smile ...

Hanging with Papa Chuck.

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