I also updated the weekly pictures for week 10.
Miscellaneous 1 - he was being cute, and I had my cell phone (which explains the photo quality)
One of the cutest pictures we have of him, I think. He's such a happy boy!
Our friend Jackie came over to see us for my birthday.
Brian's first time in an airport - loving his mobile! He did so good on the trip
During the El Paso trip, we drove up to Ruidoso (where we were married). A few pictures with Sierra Blanca in the background ...
And one picture of Cory walking Brian through town. It was quite chilly and windy so we kept him bundled up in his stroller. First trip to over 7000 feet elevation!
Miscellaneous sweetness
Miscellaneous traveler
Sitting with Daddy in the terminal - coming home
Play time after we got home from the El Paso trip - he was so happy to be home!
He just keeps getting cuter and cuter! Thanks for sharing the pictures, Kelly!