Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week 9 pictures - welcome to December!

Week 9 found us entering Brian's first December.  We put up the Christmas tree, and added Brian's "First Christmas" ornament to our eclectic (or should I say nerdy) collection of ornaments.

Here's a collection of pictures of our growing boy!  And one video of him playing in his pack and play.  Password: busy

Here's a cute picture of Brian - Check out them baby blues!  He's got his Daddy's eye color

Watching football with Papa Chuck.  Go Beavs!

Playing in front of the Christmas tree - he loves to look at the lights!  (Notice the awesome ornaments ...)

Watching Mythbusters with Dad and Papa Chuck

Bouncing with Grandma Amy
Playing in his "pack n play" - with his very nice quilt that Grandma Amy stitched for him.  Thanks Grandma!

Smiling at Grandma

Snugglin' with Mama - such a sweet boy!

Sleepy time with Daddy

And wide-awake time with Daddy!

Sweet, sleepin' boy

With Kimmy, the young lady I mentor at Palacios High School. 

Playing with the bear that Kimmy gave us!

Sleeping in Mama's arms
 Sitting up in his Bumbo chair.  So cool that he can sit up by himself.  He loves it, though he does get tired pretty quickly still.  Sheesh Mom, give me a break, I'm only 2 months old! :)

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