Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 15 - finally feeling better

It's been a tough week or so with all three of us sick.  First Cory, then me, and finally little Brian.  He fought long and hard to stay well, but finally gave in.  Thankfully as the week came to a close we were all feeling better.  And amazingly, our little boy is perhaps the happiest, smiliest sick baby I've ever seen.  What a blessing, for so many reasons!

Here are some pictures from our week. 

Me and my boy - sick together

Baby blues!  Here he is practicing his crawl-precursor and showing us those gorgeous blue eyes (and the "oh come on Mama, the camera again? look)

Holding his own bottle.  How sweet!  I'm so glad he's gotten used to eating from the bottle while I'm at work. 

A cute, coy little smile

Lounging in his little swing, hand under his ear as a pillow

Going out for a walk with Mama - in our new Baby Bjorn carrier.  This is definitely a cool thing!

Such a happy boy!  Good morning, world

Miscellaneous cuteness

Brian sure loves to laugh!

A set of Brian playing on our bed

Mommy + Daddy = Me.  Cute little outfit. Lasted clean about 45 minutes.  Glad I took a picture early in the day!!

Sitting up and loving it! (This is the weekly picture also)

The new carrier and Dad
Sitting with Grandma - thanks for all the fun times!

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