Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 14 - under the weather

We discovered this week that our little boy is the happiest sick baby ever!  He's been under the weather (as have his dad and I) but he still manages to play, and smile, and laugh, and talk to us.  It seems he's on the road to recovery, and I'm glad as it's really hard to watch him be sick and not be able to do much for him.  Here are some pictures of our cutie this week!  Also, I've updated his weekly pictures with a new one from this week.

Good morning!  Here are three cute pictures my Mom sent me at work this week.  Such a blessing to get pictures of my happy boy when I'm at work.

 He found his feet this week.  Here he is practicing grabbing his toes.  Exciting, huh?

So you can't tell from this picture, but he was leaning forward against my arms so that he looked like the figurehead on the front of a ship.  

Lounging with dad, watching football!

Napping boys ...  Like father, like son!

We've reached the "everything in the mouth" stage.  Here, it's the turtle's turn! 

Out for a walk in the "little" stroller - he's reading the warning label - fascinating!

Playing with daddy (and the puppies) - I love this set of pictures!

 Playing with Grandma

Football with Papa Chuck!

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