Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 16 - catching up

Here are the pictures from week 16.  I'm also including a cute video of Brian playing in his crib - and Bella trying to play with him!  Watch for the nose on the right side about halfway through.

I'm a hoot from Kelly R on Vimeo.

Tough day!

Loving the bath ...

New toy - a jumper activity center.  Brian loves it!  Here he is figuring out all the stuff there is to do.

 Wrestling with Eeyore - looks like Eeyore is winning but looks are deceiving.  Brian is using the sneak "drown in slobber" attack...

Using his arm as a head rest - and daddy's hand as a head rest.  I'm seeing a pattern here

 Random cuteness pictures

I started out taking these pictures with my cell phone.  Or should I say trying to take these pictures. Our sweet little boy won't sit still and my cell phone couldn't keep up.  So, I had to get out the big camera.  I love this shirt on him - he is such a hoot!

Playing in his swing - he uses the blue "bar" to pull himself up. Poor Larry the dinosaur was all wet after this encounter!

 Having fun with Grandma Amy!

Sweet boy!

Playing in the little swing with the elephant...

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