Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! (And week 12 in pictures)

Well we made it to 2011.  It was a quiet evening of the three of us here, and we all loved it.  I figured today was a good day to get caught up on pictures, so here are last weeks photos.  Maybe tomorrow I'll get caught up on this week!

We hope you all had a wonderful New Years Eve!  We are looking forward to an amazing 2011.

I already posted our Christmas pictures, but here are a few more from Christmas day. 

Here is my classic attempt at a family picture.  You can see that both of my boys weren't interested.  :)

On Sunday night, Papa Chuck and Cory decided to let off fireworks on the beach.  We bundled up (it was cold ... for the Gulf coast) and proceeded to watch from the truck.  Brian wasn't so fond of the sound.

On Monday I worked to make up for a day I'd taken off earlier.  Since it wasn't a work day (officially a holiday at work) I brought my mom and Brian.  It was fun having them at work!

Our friend Teresa came to visit - Brian loves his "aunt" Teresa!

We went for a walk in the "big" stroller.  Brian seemed to enjoy looking forward, rather than being in the infant carrier facing me.  He sure doesn't look only 3 months old!

Excuse me, can I help you?

Hanging with Daddy at lunch


Tummy Time!

Brian has figured out how to hold his own toys now - a whole new world!

All stretched out!

Sitting on Daddy

He sure loves being able to sit up in his chair!  And playing with Daddy!

Grandpa's sidekick

And Grandpa's fishing buddy - this one is a little big, I don't think he'll grow out if it any time soon!

Our Christmas little drummer boy - very serious

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