Friday, March 16, 2012

January 2012

Wow, two updates in one week!  It'll be a while until the next ones.  I haven't even gone through February's pictures yet!  Here's the link to the bulk of the pictures.

And here are some of my favorites.  

Happy New Year!  Brian's Gram and Papa Chuck stayed with him so we could sneak away for New Years.  Brian loved the hat and noisemaker we brought back.  Isn't he cute!

 Brian makes friends with everyone.  This time, it was the Steelers' fan/waiter at Chili's.  Everytime the guy came back, Brian had to shake his hand, or wave at him.  Thankfully the waiter liked kids!  Smart boy, picking the Steelers'...

At the doctor's office, waiting for his 15 month appointment.  Making friends with everyone in the waiting room!

 Ah, how sweet.  Lovin' on Mama...

 The first time crawling through something on his own.  This is a coiled snake in the playground at the outlet malls.  Once he got the hang of it, he did it a number of times.

Random shot, playing with his space shuttle.  I like the look on his face.

With Daddy, reading Ruff and just hanging out.

 Mmm, first buffalo wings! He really likes the ones at Paco Wong's. 

 And first corn on the cob.  I have to get him his own at Rudy's now, or he eats all of mine!  I never would have though he'd be able to eat it so well, but he does great.  

 The new pose.  Picked this one up watching his Nana.  

He definitely knows what the camera is.  And he definitely poses for pictures.  Here's an example.  A picture of our (almost) teenager!

First time riding up and down the hall with no help on the airplane.  

 While Nana and Papa Dell were here watching Brian (so Gram could heal her arm), they had Kali their poodle with them.  Brian loved to walk her all around.  They really are best buds!

 Playing in the Jeep at the outlet malls with Gram and Papa Chuck.

 And lastly, my little geek.  Explaining to the world how you use this monitor cable.  He's going to be teaching us things from here on out I'm sure.  :)

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