Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 31 - forward progress

OK, I'm trying to get caught up.  Here are pictures and a video from week 31 (5/2-8).  We discovered that Brian really liked Cory's black and yellow shoe laces - great motivation for making forward progress with crawling.  Now he's definitely mobile.  Here's the cutie ...

First, the video of Brian ready to crawl.  He actually crawled quite a bit this day, but I didn't get a good video of it.

And some pictures of the fun ... In the last one he's looking up at Papa Chuck

Daddy pulling Brian in his basket/sled.  This corner was a little fast ...

Laundry baskets make great toy bins!

Enjoying his yogurt ...

What an expressive boy!

Misc. cute pics in his crib

And then, Gram, you put the lid on like this ...  He just looks like he's giving a demonstration  here

Happy Boy!  He's completely grown out of his little bouncy seat now.  We've had many good times with this thing - definitely saved us a few times!  Thanks, Uncle Scott.

Give my regards to the chef ...

My first Mothers' Day with Brian in my arms.  Here's a picture of the three generations ...

I love this set of pictures.  Brian decided this toy was too far away.  He leaned over and grabbed it, then pulled it to where he wanted it.  :)

Random cuteness...

More of "the best toys aren't toys"

Walter was getting a makeover.  He looks so serious here!

Brian insists on sitting sideways in the basket so he can see where we're going.

Brian with his Daddy

Brian with his Gram Amy

Here he's holding onto my Zags hat for me ... thanks Brian!

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