Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 32 - water baby!

During week 32 (May 9-15), we put Brian in the pool for the first time, and he loved it!  He's definitely a water baby.  Here are pictures from this week, and a couple of videos.  Enjoy...

Here's a video of Brian splashing in the pool with Daddy.

And  some pictures of the pool time.

Sitting in his chair (watching Star Trek - what else?)

Miscellaneous cuteness...

Grocery Shopping - Brian is such a help.  It's like having a supervisor along ... :)

Out walking with Mama.

Playing with (or maybe torturing?) Walter at dinner.

With Daddy at dinner.   He was making friends with the folks at the next table over.

Random picture of Brian with me and my Mom.

Brian playing with Papa Chuck after work

Behold, the joys of eating!  There's Peas, and carrots.  And yogurt all over the table!

And last but not least, a sweet video of Brian with his Daddy.

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