Tuesday, July 19, 2011

More pictures from week 41

This week we weighed and measured Brian at home just for our information.  At 9.5 months, he weighed in at 24.5 pounds and was 31" tall.  Still above the 98th percentile on height, and about 75th percentile weight for height, so growing just perfectly.  He's  wearing 18 month clothes  now, and has grown out of most of the 12 month ones completely.  Big boy!

A closeup of the baby blues!

Miscellaneous "self-portrait" of Brian and I.  I'm not nearly as good at this as Cory is.  But this isn't too bad.

Crawling all over me, trying to get to the camera.  He's 'started sticking his tongue out to the side when he's concentrating ...
 Camera Strap!

Spinning office chairs is a new passion.  He'll stand up and spin them, or sit on the floor ...

Brian is very efficient with crawling now.  Here he is trucking down the hallway back and forth from Mama to Daddy and back again

  Some pictures from the playground at our apartment complex.  This is a pretty cool place, with slides and other cool toys.
Here he's trying to stand up on the seat!
 Here is a before and after the spiral slide.  He's not sure what he thinks of this one yet.  :)

Playing in his new room.  He has so many toys, it's hard to choose what he wants to play with.

 Here ya go, Daddy!

Enjoying his bouncer when we first put it together.  Note all the boxes in the background. 

This picture was from the last leg of the trip from Odessa to El Paso.  Brian and I traveled alone and he did very well.  Have toys, will travel!

Checking out the fortifications.

Cory found a new toy that has a suction cup to hold it to the table, like at a restaurant.  Brilliant idea, right?  Except our smart little boy figured out how to get it off the table in under 5 seconds.  The one time I got it to stick he got vocal about not being able to get it to come off.  So, now he just chews on the suction cup. 
(here, two little kids distracted him momentarily from his suction cup chewing ...)

Out walking around the apartment complex with Mama.
Beautiful views from around our neighborhood.  Trees and mountains!

All tuckered out from a day of playing. 

This weekend we met some new friends.  Cory has a classmate named Nathan who happens to be the only other med student in their class with kids.  We had lunch with Nathan and his wife Isabel, and their two kids.  Sophia, about 3, had a wonderful time playing with and loving on Brian.  Nico (I forgot to get a picture) is about 6 months, and will be a great playmate for Brian as they get bigger.

1 comment:

  1. Gram and Papa ChuckJuly 19, 2011 at 5:11 PM

    Love the ones of him with Sophia.
