Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 44

During week 44, we took Brian to the new pediatrician for his 9 month check-up ... 4 weeks late!  At 10 months (almost exactly) he was officially 30.5" tall and 22.5 pounds.  That's 93% on the height, for anyone who is keeping track!  He's still healthy and doing great!

We also discovered some great walking paths out by the Rio Grande river.  So nice to be able to get outside here!  We've been walking most mornings now.

Here are some pictures ...

Bubbles!  Brian has discovered bubbles - here he is playing with Daddy.  He enjoys it the most when they pop (or he pops them).  He just cackles with delight!

A few close ups of our sweet boy. 

We got to visit with some classmates of Cory's this week.   Michael is Cory's "older brother" at school.  He and his wife Marianne had us over for dinner, along with the other "little brother" Jeff and his wife Jill.  Michael and Marianne have two sweet little girls, Elle and Haven (about 9 months).  Brian had lots of fun playing with them both!

Brian sure loves being able to sit in the grass!

Love the feet

Waiting at the doctor's office

 Making new friends as always

Blueberry muffins are definitely a favorite around here - and they make a wonderful mess!

 At the store with Mama...Here he's helping me hold on to our wares. 
 And here he was flirting with the lady checking us out.

The gate at his bedroom door is lots of fun to play with.

A cute one from the playground. 

Playing with Gram

His new addiction - veggie puffs!

A couple of view shots.  The first is one of the paths we go walking on by the river.  The other is coming back to the apartment from the playground.  It really is pretty here!

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