Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 45

And now we're only one week behind!  Got some great pictures from this week.  Hope you enjoy!

Sleepy boy with Mama

Again with the camera, Mama?  Really?  :)


Our little Beach Patrol, playing in his room.

 Sweet boy in the car. 

 That's one cool shopping cart!

Standing by the back door.

More blueberry muffin!

Out walking with Mama

At the outlet shoppes with Mama and Daddy

 One of our morning walking paths takes us past a playground with some swings.  Brian loves to swing!  I have some great video I'll post when I find the time.  

Watching Veggie Tales (for the first time) with Papa Chuck.  They are both enthralled!

 Snuggling with Gram

With Daddy

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