Friday, August 26, 2011

Week 46

Week 46 was amazing!  My sister, Julie, and her three kids (Andrew, Meghan, and Tyler) along with Andrew's girlfriend Sarah came down to visit.  We had a blast!  Brian took to his aunt and cousins immediately, and I'm so glad he got to spend some good time with them all.  We explored around here a bit, visiting a water park on the edge of Texas, and a number of cool places up in New Mexico.  Here are just some of the pictures I took.  Maybe I'll share the scenery pictures too one of these days.

Brian discovered Lemons this week - and even though they make him make the cutest face, he keeps on eating them!  He's also doing wonderful with "real" food, eating mashed potatoes, rice, green beans, cheese, toast, and lots of other things.  Our little boy is definitely growing up.  I can't believe there are only 5 weeks left until he is one year old!

Here, Brian and Gram are playing in their little pantry in the camper - actually they are playing "what's behind door number 1" with the pantry door, but you get the idea.  

Some cute ones of Brian playing.

From the day the gang arrived, at IHOP.  Here, Cousin Meghan is helping to feed Brian - always an exciting event!

And playing with Cousin Meghan.

Sitting with Auntie Julie and Cousin Andrew

With Cousin Tyler.  The color on this one was way off, so it's not the greatest, but I love it anyways!

Loving on Cousin Andrew.  He threw himself at Andrew for a hug!

All tuckered out on the way home.  Sleeping with his umbrella (one of the random things he likes to play with in the car)

An almost risque photo of me, sorry.  But I had to post this as it's Brian's first trip to a water park!  We mostly hung out in the shallow pool and people-watched.  :)

Caught red-handed.  Brian loves to track down shoes of all types.  Here he found my flip-flops laying in the hallway and got to them before I did!

Sitting with Papa Chuck - he was all snuggled up to him for a good bit of time.  :)

Cory took the gang to his Medical School for a tour.  There is an outdoor art project between the education and research buildings that you see in most of the pictures.

Cousin Tyler peeking through the keyhole.

The gang at the school sign.

Cousin Andrew, picking the nose of the big head from the art project.

A view through the various pieces of art

We all went to the outlet shoppes so the kids could do some school shopping during Texas' tax free back to school weekend.  Brian liked driving the little pet ambulance with Daddy!

On our first trip out of state with the gang, we went up to a ghost town, then stopped at a local brewery for lunch.  The gang headed on to camp while Brian and I headed home after that.  

At a pit stop before heading out into the wilderness, with Cousins Tyler and Meghan

 Officially in the middle of nowhere - at the ghost town.  Here, with Aunt Julie and Cousin Meghan

The gang with Gram and Papa Chuck, and their truck and pop-up trailer.  This is what they all camped in (minus a few).  

Examining Aunt Julie's braid.  This is the first time we've gotten him to wear any of his hats in months!

Wonderful sign inside the school house / museum building.

Sitting in the school house ...

 A rare shot with Mama - usually I've got the camera (on purpose *grin*)

That's a motley crew of students!

Brian riding on Gram's shoulders - that way, Gram!

 And on Papa Chuck's shoulders. 

 Brian with Sarah.  He was starting to wilt from the heat!  Sarah is still as happy as ever! 

A few shots of Cousin Andrew.  I can't believe he's 18 now!  I remember when he was Brian's size!  

 Hanging out with Cousin Meghan in the car - wishing he could ride in the front seat!

At the brewery - they had real Dr Pepper in glass bottles.  That bottle is now one of his favorite car toys!  We also got a picture of Brian with the bartender/waiter at the brewery, since it was his first visit.  Brian was more interested in the poor guy's hair!

 All tuckered out with his Dr Pepper bottle ...

This was the second time he experience lemons.  Funny the things they like!

 Snuggled up, sleeping in Aunt Julie's arms!

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