Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week 22 - how did we get behind again?

Well, somehow I ended up nearly 3 weeks behind again!  I took this week off to work on the house with Cory, so I thought I'd get caught up (again...).  Brian had his 5 month birthday this week!  5 months.  Already.  So fast ...

Bath time remains one of Brian's favorite things.  He kicks so hard there isn't much water left when he's done!  And he's almost outgrown his little baby tub.  Soon it'll be real baths for this big boy.  And notice the crossed feet in the post-bath picture ...

 Ah, the bouncer - great toy.  Notice that we had to move it up to the second height setting.
And look at all that hair!

Some pictures with Mama out by the pool.

Some pictures with Daddy - the many facial expressions of Brian!

What do you mean, my feet aren't "supposed" to go there.  Isn't that what the tray is for?

"Flying" with Daddy

So Cute!  Need I say more?

Sleeping in Daddy's arms - on his 5 month birthday!

Strolling is another of Brian's favorites - Here are a few strolling pictures.  One in his little orange stroller.  One looking up at Grandma Amy in the big stroller.  And one where he's trying to pull the ripcord to eject!

So sweet ...

 Teething.  On a baby sock full of ice.  Can you say cold headache?  His first tooth came in just the day before he turned 5 months old.  And the second one hit just a few days later.

Trekkie pictures.  Random cuteness.  

All tuckered out with Grandma Amy. 

Tummy Time

Turtle Wrestling ...
 Not to be confused with Turtle Resting.  These pillow pets are great!

 Miscellaneous fun playing pictures to keep Mama sane while she's at work ...

More random shots with Mama.  These are "self" portraits - we're getting pretty good at this!

Hanging with Papa Chuck.  Is that beard real?

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