Saturday, March 5, 2011

Week 20

So here are some pictures from week 20.  I'm so behind that I can't remember the funny stories and new things except where I have pictures - so we'll just launch into the pictures. :)

Miscellaneous fun with Mama

New carseat - Brian hates to have to lay back so the old infant seat just wasn't working.  This new big boy carseat is much better!

I threw my back out over the weekend, so I stayed home from work one day and played with Brian.  Here we are "working" on the computer together. 

Random eating of the fist - it just tastes so good!  Too bad he can't get it all in his mouth at one time. Not for lack of trying though ...
Here we were heading out for a walk.  The "Grandpa's fishing buddy" hat is a little too big still, but works well for keeping the sun out.  And the sun glasses are perfect.  :)
We got a new hat to try out for walks.  It's a little big, but it works pretty well - after some fine-tuning that is.

Now that Brian is sitting up so well, we've started using the high chair as a place where he can sit and play. 

Here you can see our little bugger playing in his swing.  You can't leave him along for even a second anymore - he wants to sit forward and check out everything from his feet to the floor. 

A random game of...
& Toes:

And some more cute shots from that morning.

Brian wants to crawl so bad.  Here he is trying to figure out how to get mobile.  One of these days, very soon, we won't be able to get him to stay in one place!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Some cute pictures of Brian with his Daddy!

Grandma Amy holding the little man.

Ah, it's so wonderful holding the sleeping boy.  Here he is curled up with me (and the bunny!).

Miscellaneous cuteness ...

We are going to need a jungle gym when we get moved to El Paso. Brian tries to crawl/climb everything.  He certainly has gotten good at using the toy-holding bars to scoot himself around.

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