Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 19 - trying to cath up!

So here we are, in week 21, and I'm trying to remember what our sweet boy did two weeks ago.  Two weeks, you say.  That's not that long ago!  But it seems that there's something new every day.  What was new two weeks ago is just normal today. 

Everything goes in his mouth!  Or at least he tries to put it in his mouth.  This is a new toy from Grammy that Grandma Brenda brought to us.  He wants to get it in his mouth so bad!  But it just doesn't quite fit.

And do you notice how big he is in his swing now!  Remember how little he was back when he first came home?  This picture is from when he was 5 weeks old!

Papa Chuck's cousin Carol and her husband came to visit.  Here's a picture of Brian with some distant cousins.  Or something.  I can't ever figure these things.  We'll just call them "more people who are hooked on our little Brian."  (And Brian was pretty fond of them too!)

This here is "frog wrestling" meets "fan watching."

We pause this broadcast for ... cute!  Hi there.

Brian has discovered that he likes to be up high, and Daddy's shoulder is a great place to watch the world from.

We propped him up on the couch, and he was happy to be sitting there independently. 

My Mom has a great old rocker that she's had since she was a girl.  It's just about Brian's size!

I was trying to change Brian - and he just wanted to sleep. 

With Grandma Amy - trying to decide what to slobber on next!

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