Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A well-traveled young man...

So I'm sitting here writng this post with our wonderful Brian sleeping in my lap. Nothing unique about that, right? Well actually, we are in the car in Galveston at the Texas A&M campus. We are waiting for Daddy to be done with class so we can head up to Houston for some errands. And our well-traveled boy is doing so wonderful! He's been all over Lake Jackson, Galveston, and Houston in his first six weeks and he makes it so easy. We are blessed to have such a pleasant, easy baby!

I was going to include a cute picture of him sleeping here with me, but I can't figure out how to include a picture when posting from my phone. So you'll have to be content with my description of this wonderful little boy.

Happy 6 weeks, Brian! We love you!!

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