Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 4 - finishing out October

So this week we officially finished out Brian's first month (October).  He's on to his second calendar month (welcome to November) and is almost a month old.  He's so much fun the time just flies.  We also enjoyed our first holiday with the little guy (see the Halloween post).

Here are the pictures I collected from this week.

Sweet sleeping boy!  I was trying to show you his long eye lashes - but they don't photograph well with a cell phone camera!

One of the new outfits (in the bigger size) that we enjoyed this week.  

His face and hands are so expressive - even when he's asleep.

Like this face - it says "I hope you stocked the diaper bag!"

This was an outfit sent to us by Brian's Grandma Amy's realtor/friend from Sacramento.  Thanks Renee!  He was so cute all dressed up with the jacket and everything.

 My favorite picture of the week (not counting his Halloween picture).  He was fresh out of a bath, all clean and snuggly with just his towel and socks on.  Then just moments after I took this picture he peed all over the towel, socks, and all.  Oops!

Here are two pictures in this outfit.  The one on the left was taken October 15th.  The one on the right was taken October 30th.  You can see how he's grown from how it fits.  He's also getting much more stretched out and less curled up as time goes by!


Snuggled up in my arms falling asleep (except for that pesky light!).

And stretching...

And yawning ...  

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