Wednesday, November 3, 2010

One month old - and another first

So depending on your point of view, Brian was either one-month old on Monday when he hit 4 weeks, or will be tomorrow on November 4th.  (This goes back to the same confusion of 40 weeks of pregnancy vs. 9 months of pregnancy - we make things so complicated.)  Either way, I can't believe we've had him for so long!

And tonight, for the first time, he's sleeping (OK, really napping) in his own room!  I think we'll try having him in there all night and see how *I* do.  He'll be fine - but you know us first time moms!  It's a little surreal to think of him in his own room.  He's been sleeping with me (or in me, as the case was) for almost the last year.  I wonder if I'll make a whole night with him in there the first time ...

We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 1 month Birthday Brian! The Hunters
