Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Thanksgiving

For Brian's first Thanksgiving, we had quite a week.  First, his great grandmother on Cory's side (Grammy) came to visit for a whole week.  Then Brian's grandparents Brenda and Dell (Cory's parents) drove over on the day before Thanksgiving so we could have his whole immediate family here for the holiday.  We shared a meal with Brian's grandma Amy and Papa Chuck (my parents) before they left town for a Thanksgiving adventure.  On Thursday, Cory grilled chicken and steak and veggies on the grill out back, and Grandma Brenda baked an apple pie.  We enjoyed a wonderful, Rasmussen style Thanksgiving.  Of course, I didn't take any actual pictures of Thanksgiving.  I did, however, take lots of family pictures while they were all here.  The highlight was the 4 generation pictures we got.

Ah, the fascination of a fan!  It doesn't matter if it's a ceiling fan, or an oscillating fan, or apparently the vent fan in the motor home - Brian (and his Dad) are enthralled!

Here is Brian with Grandpa Dell (and our puppy Fritz)

And here is Brian with Grandma Brenda (and Grammy in the background)

 Here is Brian with Grandpa Dell and Grammy

 And some sweet pictures of Grammy with Brian

 I really like this one of him sitting up.  It was about 32 degrees out this morning, so we bundled him up in his "moose" outfit.  :)

 Grandpa Dell and Grandma Brenda, checking him out!

Brian with Daddy and Grandma Brenda

 Brian with Daddy and Grandpa Dell - in their motorhome

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