Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 5

I can't believe that we've had Brian home with us for five weeks now.  He'll be five weeks old tomorrow, and he's changed so much already!  He's so strong, and alert, and growing so much.  He smiles at us now, and is starting to play.  He really prefers musical toys (and it seems he couldn't care less about rattly stuff) so we've found some fun musical toys that really grab his attention.  It's so fun to watch him developing his personality right in front of us!

I got some vital statistics from my mom this week, and found them very interesting.  As a recap, Brian was:
6 days late
Born at 0534
7 lbs and 9 oz
21" long

I was:
6 days late
Born at 0600
8 lbs and 3 oz
20 7/8" long

It's amazing how similar our statistics are!  Of course, at his one month check up Brian was 9 pounds 7 ounces and 22.5" long.  At one month I was 10 lbs 11 oz and 22" long, so I definitely didn't stay as long and thin at Brian is.  (I was about the 80th percentile in both height and weight at one month; Brian is about 90th percentile in height and 50th percentile in weight.)

Here are some pictures from this week.  I'm also including a video I took this morning from when he was sitting on my lap just being happy.  I hope you'll enjoy.  My favorite part is where he starts to sneeze and just makes a cute little noise!

Edit: Password is "close"

Strong Boy!

Knock, Knock.  Brian telling his first joke?

He has definitely started watching his toys, especially the mobile on his swing.

A couple of shots of our happy little lion.  See more of this in the video.

Continuing the jungle theme, it's our little monkey.

All we are saying, is give PEAS a chance!

Tummy Time

Hanging with Daddy!

Brian playing on a blanket with his Grandma Amy

So sweet and sleepy!  Here we are, just sitting in the rocker together.

An artsy close up of us snuggling in the rocker.

He was definitely worth the wait!!

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