Monday, November 21, 2011

Month 13 - Part IV

While in Odessa, we got to spend an evening with Cory's cousin Alisha, her hubby Luis, and their son Gavin who is about 6 months older than Brian.  The party also included Alisha's brother Colby, his girlfriend Tiffani and her three kids, Alisha's parents Lisa and Earl, Cory's parents Dell and Brenda, Cory's aunt Mary Ann, and his grandmother Grammy.  It was a great night, and the kids had a wonderful time playing.  I took like 200 pictures, and I won't post them all here, but here's a smattering of what we got.  Brian got the first stiff-arm take down of the night, but they were about even by the end of the evening.  Brian did great, even though this was the first time he'd been around lots of older kids in a busy play area like this.

Cute ones of Gavin ...

 Crawling through the tunnel - Cory surprised him at the end!

 With his Grandma Lisa

With his Mom Alisha and Aunt Mary Ann

Playing with his parents

 Some cute ones of just Brian.  Loving the shirt, thanks again Aunt Mary Ann

With cousin Colby

With cousin Alisha

Pictures of the boys together
Dueling high chairs - ready for dinner!

The boys playing with the 4wheeler

I'm not sure what they were doing, but they were both doing it.  :)

Gavin was trying to draw the foul here.

Our attempts at getting a picture with the two boys together ... first with Papa Dell (Gavin wasn't happy) and then with Alisha (Brian wasn't happy).
This series went like this.  Brian and Gavin each have a ball.  Gavin decides he wants both balls.  Gavin gets both balls.  I capture the look of disgust on Brian's face!

  Miscellaneous play pictures

 Some pictures with the ladies
Brian with Grandma Brenda, Grammy, and Aunt Mary Ann

Brian with Grammy, Grandma Brenda, Aunt Lisa (or is that Cousin, I always get confused) and part of Aunt Mary Ann

Cory with Grammy and Aunt Mary Ann

Two great ones of Cory and his Grammy!

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