Saturday, November 19, 2011

Month 13 - part II

At the end of October, we took a drive out to Odessa during one of Cory's "breaks" in school.  We got to see lots of family, and I took hundreds of pictures.  I'll try to limit how many I put on here.  I'll start with general pictures in this post.

When we first arrived, Brian got a new ball (it lights up, very cool) and got to experience the full force of the pups.  They were all well behaved, and he did well with them.

 There was a collection of cardboard rings for Brian to play with when he arrived.

 He stepped in one and walked around that way for a while ...

Grandma Brenda (Brian started calling her Nana on this trip) reading Brian a bedtime story

 One morning he just wouldn't nap in his Pack N Play, so I let him snuggle up with me to nap.  I'm not so good at taking these pictures, but I sure love them!  He doesn't nap with me much anymore, so this was a precious hour that I spent watching him sleep.

We went to visit Richard and Kathy and Zula at the beauty shop while Grammy was getting her hair done.  I didn't get much in the way of good pictures, but this one of Brian grinning in Grammy's lap was worth sharing.  He was sure happy to see his Grammy!
 Here are some more pictures of Brian and Grammy together.  They were having quite a conversation sitting there ...

A few cute ones of an outfit from Papa Chuck's folks, Stan and Ellie.

 And a cute one of Brian sitting with Daddy

Brian enjoyed playing on PupPup, the rocking puppy dog, while we were there.  Here are some pictures.

For comparison, here's a picture from week 41 (about 12 weeks ago) with Brian on PupPup...

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