Monday, November 21, 2011

Month 13 - part III

While we were in Odessa, we got to visit Cory's cousin Trey at the fire house while he was on shift.  Brian had fun in the fire truck!  We also got to have dinner with Cory's brother Scott and his kids Rilee and Garret.  This was the first time Brian got to meet his uncle and cousins.

Sitting in the fire truck with Cousin Trey standing by ...

 Looking through the front windshield ....

Checking out the lights!

Brian noticed the keys (in the first picture) and went for them (in the second). 

 'Driving' the fire truck.  Hey, are you guys watching me?

 Brian hit the button to open the garage door - and was fascinated as it was rolling up.

Standing up in the seat, playing with all the cool buttons and knobs. 
Do you see all this cool stuff, Daddy?

The boys ...

Wandering around the bay ... see how little he is next to those big tires
(on the left, the ambulance, on the right, the fire truck)

 With Mama at the fire station.  Notice the reflection of Brian's face in the back of the mirror.

 Sitting on the siren

 Being shy with Rilee

Playing with Rilee and Garret

 Looking in the mirror ...

With Grandma Brenda by the mirror

 With Uncle Scott

 Loving on Rilee

Proof that our sweet, well-behaved boy isn't always.  
For those who doubted ... :)

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