Saturday, November 19, 2011

Month 13 - part I

So after cleaning up all the pictures I had for Brian's first month as a one-year-old, I discovered I had nearly 200 I liked!  So, I'll do this in stages (and no, I won't put them all up here!).  Here are pictures from the corn maze and pumpkin patch we went to with our friends and their little boy, and the Halloween pictures.

I carried Brian in the Baby Bjorn carrier (for the first time since we've been in El Paso) and I can attest to the fact that he's heavier now!  We had fun, though ...  Here we are waiting in line for tickets.  he liked this "fence" we were standing by.
The pumpkin patch was fun.  We didn't actually buy a pumpkin, but Brian had fun checking them out.

 This is the wheel of the tractor that pulled us out to the pumpkin patch

With our friend David - Brian really seems to like David.

Getting ready to slide down the big slide for the first time.

 And the second time with Daddy ...

 And a few shots of David and Kira sliding with Kellan

 Cory and Brian - and the cow ...

 Here are a few cute shots of all the boys

 And one of the guys at the duck race ...

 Brian the lion!

With Mama, practicing our Roar!

 More to come, soon!

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