Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week 29 - more food and more fun

So week 29 was a blur ... a blur of more food, and more fun.  We discovered plastic pop bottles as an outstanding toy.  Who knew they'd be so much fun.  And laundry baskets - that's a passion that started in week 29 and is carrying on ... We also got out the (marginally creepy looking) glow worm one night.  Mirrors are also quite entertaining now.  Otherwise, nothing spectacularly exciting other than that our boy is growing healthy and happy and we are loving every minute of it!  Here are the pictures ...

First picture with a laundry basket.  First of many to come, I'm sure!

A new teething toy - the top ring from the "too noisy to play with right now" toy we bought him!

Here's one of those fascinating bottles I mentioned.  Yes, I realize it is not a pop bottle, but it's the idea that counts!

 Our well-traveled little man at Pei Wei in Pearland and Fuddruckers in Lake Jackson.  He loves to people watch ...

 Ah, the glow worm.  This picture reminds me of his 3d pictures from before he was born. Here's one of the 3d shots from July of last year - 27 weeks pregnant.  Pretty cool!

A miscellaneous assortment of pictures of our sweet boy

 Behold, the power of the mirror.  Brian loves to play with that baby in the mirror ... it's a good thing he always shows up when Brian does.  :)

 Peas!  One of his favorite flavors at this point in time.

 Wrestling the pillow pet turtle.  Notice he's holding it with his foot, too?

 Miscellaneous shots from playing.
This is the toy that "Aunt" Teresa loaned us from when her kids were little.  It still works after 15 years!

The box was more fun than all those colorful (and noisy!) toys in the background...

Our little man, made in the USA!

 So cute when he's sleeping.

 Strolling through the neighborhood with Gram!

Tags!  Everything has a tag.  And he wants to read (and chew on, and pull) all of them!

Brian enjoys riding in the cart most anywhere we go, but the red ones at Target seem to be the best. 

 Some miscellaneous pictures of Brian with his Gram and Papa Chuck!

 Our little show-off.  He knew I was trying to get a picture of him, so he posed. :)

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