Saturday, February 12, 2011

4 Month Check up!

So this week we took Brian for his 4 month check up.  Our boy is growing!  He is now officially in the top 2% (or higher, that's all the higher they really count) as far as his height - 27.5" tall!  He weighed in at 17 lbs and 1 oz, which is about 80th percentile, which doc said is perfect for his height.  I can't believe he's grown so fast, but at least now I know why he doesn't fit into his clothes!  The 9 month sizes fit, and a few of those are getting a little short!

Here's a cute picture of him at the appointment.  He's found his feet now, so any time his feet are uncovered (and even sometimes when he has socks on) they go in his mouth!

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