Monday, December 26, 2011

14 Months (part 2)

 These are random cute shots of our boy.  Mostly close ups.  Enjoy!

Love this progression.

He was being silly, turning his head all the way sideways, giving me looks.  Way too cute for my own good.  :)

 Bath pictures.  Because it's been a while.

He likes to open the drain.  But then when the water's gone, he wonders where it went.

This is a random toy made from a container and spare parts from a project at STP just before I left.  He was playing with it, and I was trying to get a cute picture to send to my old coworkers.  I sent the last one!

This is an old outfit of Cory's that we got from his parents.  Definitely looks like it is from 30 years ago.  He's pretty cute, isn't he?

Playing with his feet in the car.

 Final random picture ...

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