Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week 48

This week, our sweet boy turned 11 months old!  I can't believe he's almost a year.  He's getting so big, and learning so fast.  Here are some pictures ...

Sweet Brian is curious about everything! Like the clip on Daddy's school bag.

The old toys that aren't as much fun they way they are designed ... but are great for climbing on and in

The shape on the side of the toy drums, and the wipes box with Legos in it ... 

And especially Daddy's reflex hammer (though this isn't a great picture - he sure loves this thing)

Brian with one of his stuffed animals - a lamb named Lucy.  He loves to hug his stuffed animals!

Doesn't he look all grown up?  He's going to need a haircut soon!

Playing in his room with the shape sorter. He does a great job getting the shapes where they go, though he still tries the "round peg in a square hole" trick. 

 Reading a bedtime story with Daddy

And playing ball with Daddy.  Brian sure loves these times when Cory can take a break from studying and just play!

 Playing on the patio ... and playing with his toolbox.

Our little escape artist is trying to figure out the doors.  I have to keep the front door locked so he doesn't get out.  The door to the patio is a round handle, and he can't get that one open ... yet.

 Happy with Daddy 

A new fascination of Brian's is to turn the fan light in the office off and on.  

 Hanging out at Gram's

And being helpful at Gram's

And being helpful at home!

Sitting in my chair

 Playing with the sun shade in the car.  The strangest things keep him occupied when we're driving!

At the playground

 Playing peekaboo!  He loves to peek around a corner at you (or under a table, or around a blanket, etc.)

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