Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 49

So I have had these pictures done for a while, but I didn't get them online!  These pictures include a visit from Cory's parents, Granny Brenda and Grandpapa Dell.  Thanks for coming over to see us!

In a week with both Grandma's, this was an appropriate new shirt - All I need is Grandma!

Cory lets Brian write on his "white" board sometimes.  They sure have fun doodling together!

 Playing on a bench with Gram while waiting for Mama to finish an errand.  This old Cast-iron (I think) bench was pretty cool!

Playing with Papa Dell (and Daddy)

 Brian enjoys putting coins in our coin jar.  I can't get any pictures that really capture this well, but I try anyways! 

Riding in a jeep at the outlet mall with Granny Brenda

Watching the boys play with the ball is lots of fun.  Here, Cory is spinning the ball, then stopping it suddenly, which makes Brian just squeal!

 Brian being cute .. as always! 

Brian with his Daddy

Some cute pictures with Gram and Brian.

 And a few of Brian playing with Gram's Tupperware and pan lids.   

 What shall I play with next? 

 This can of Chili was just fascinating!

More playing with coins in the jar - this time with Granny Brenda and Papa Dell and Daddy

 This ball gets lots of mileage.  And smiles! 

Playing with Granny Brenda

 And out at lunch ... eating a lemon.  This was just about making Granny Brenda cringe!  But Brian was loving it (as usual)

 More in the continuing saga ... "fun with blueberry muffins."

 Brian has gotten very good with the shapes sorter ... and with playing quietly by himself form time to time. 

Captain Adorable at the playground!


Feet work well for helping to hold on to toys.

A fuzzy shot of Brian and Mama - getting ready for bed.  Good night!