Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We had fun Skyping (is that a word?) with Cory's parents tonight so they could watch Brian open his gifts.  He is one lucky little boy - so many new toys (that all make noise!) and outfits, where to start!  Here are just a few pictures to show you our little Christmas angel.

Thanks to Grandma Brenda and Grandpa Dell; Grammy;  Aunt Mary Anne and Uncle Steve;  Aunt Lisa, Uncle Earl, Cousins Alisha, Luis, and Gavin; Uncle Scott and cousins Rilee and Garrett, for all the really cool stuff.

We hope you all have a Merry Christmas with your loved ones!

 My first Christmas!

Here's Brian - waiting for the festivities to begin.  He's laying on the wonderful quilt that Grammy bought him.  Thanks Grammy!

Daddy thought it would be funny to pile the clothes on top of him as he opened the boxes - Brian isn't sure he agrees.  :)

So many new noise-makers ... I mean toys.  Where does a boy start?

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