Sunday, October 17, 2010

Starting at the beginning

Welcome to our blog.  We are the Rasmussen Family, and this blog is meant to help family and friends keep up with the littlest 'Mussen, Brian Allen.  But let me start at the beginning.

Cory and I met in 2006 (on eHarmony - ask us about it, we love to tell that story) and were married March 10, 2007.  We currently live in Lake Jackson, TX, which is about an hour south of Houston.  Kelly works at the South Texas nuclear power plant ( and Cory is getting ready for Medical School while working as a paramedic.  We have been wanting to start our family for some time now, but have had some setbacks.  Little Brian is definitely well prayed for, and well worth the wait.

Brian Allen Rasmussen was born on Monday morning, October 4th, 2010, at 0534.  He made us wait to meet him, coming 6 days after his due date, but when he decided to show up he didn't waste any time.  I had less than 8 hours of labor, and we were only at the hospital for 1.5 hours before he was in my arms!  I'll never use the word easy (trust me, it wasn't) but it went so fast I didn't have any option to ask for drugs.  And I'm so glad I managed to get through it without any drugs, because Brian came out very alert and awake.  He was born at 7 pounds and 9 ounces, 21" long. 

We were in the hospital for 36 hours before coming home, and have been having a wonderful time since then.  And now you know the story!  Thanks for reading.

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